Locations of Important Files and Directories
MAKE.CONF : /etc/portage/make.confPACKAGE USE FLAG FILE : /etc/portage/package.use
PORTAGE LOGS : /var/log/portage
PORTAGE TMP FILES : /var/tmp/portage
LOCALE SETTINGS FILE: /etc/env.d/02locale Details UTF-8 Guide
GAYMES: /usr/games/bin (add user to the games group to access the gaymes)
LOCALE.GEN : /etc/locale.gen
KEYMAPS : /etc/conf.d/keymaps
XORG CONFIG FILE : /etc/X11/xorg.conf
.xinitrc (x startup script) : ~ home folder
.bashrc : ~ home folder
Using Gentoo with Virtualbox
Shared Foldersmount shared folders with mount -t vboxsf <sharedfoldername> <mountpoint>
Apply Locale Settings
After editing /etc/env.d/02locale (Details) do:env-update && source /etc/profile
emerge --depclean will remove any packages that are not in the world file, and are not needed by any other package. Run it with --pretend first, to verify what is going to be removedclean -d distfiles will clean up your distfiles directory. See the man pages of those tools.
emerge --searchdesc <searchterm> will search description of packages
emerge --search <searchterm> will search package names
emerge --sync or emerge-webrsync will update portage tree
emerge --update --deep --with-bdeps=y --newuse world performs full update
Updating Config Files
(see man emerge CONFIGURATION FILES section for details)do find /etc -iname '._cfg????_*' and edit the files found manually
or do
Wine directory: ~/.wineCommands:
wine - execute windows program
winecfg - configure wine
wineconsole cmd - open a windows console
If the following error occurs:
err:wineconsole:WCUSER_SetFont wrong font
err:wineconsole:WINECON_Fatal Couldn't find a decent font, aborting
Use export LANG=en_EN.UTF-8
Copy fonts from a Windows installation to the ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts/ folder for better font support
Other Useful Stuff
Mount/Unmount CD-ROM
mkdir /mnt/cdrom - make a directorymount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom - mount it to directory
umount /mnt/cdrom - unmount
Change Ownership of File
sudo chown <username> <file>Disable Su
edit /etc/pam.d/susu:
auth sufficient pam_rootok.so
auth required pam_deny.so <---add this line
Add User to a Group
usermod -a -G <groupname> <non-root username>Uninstalling something you compiled manually
(use as root)make uninstall
make clean
Extracting with Tar
tar : tar -xvf foo.tartar.gz : tar -vxzf foo.tar.gz
tar.bz2 : tar -vxjf foo.tar.bz2
Environment Variables
printenv - print all evironment variablesexport VARNAME=value - set a new value
Scroll Up/Down in Terminal
Up - Shift + PageUpDown - Shift + PageDown
Helpful Links